Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked The World

-How can a song be banned? (how would it be possible to enforce that)

-What influences Native music to have the sound that it does?
Rumble is the only instrumental song to be banned for fear of promoting violence in teens

Link Wray was Native American and created Rumble but most people didn’t know about his background

The KKK was a huge threat to Native Americans at the time

– Ulali is an indigenous vocal group today

– Native people have been arrested and incarcerated for singing and performing their music

– Dec 29, 1890- US army slaughtered and surrounded 300 native people participating in ghost dance. This sparked the beginning of the banning of native music

– Native music was the start and inspiration for music styles like jazz, blues, rock

– Mildred Bailey was a Native American jazz singer in the 1930s and was a cornerstone of the direction that Jazz took


Rumble is about the influences that Native American music and Native American people have had on some of the most popular genres of music today. Native Americans haven’t really gotten credit for the influence that their music has had and how it was the basis for things like Jazz, Blues, and Rock. There are many Native musicians who hid their background in order to be successful but they were cornerstones for music and a lot of their music was heavily influenced by traditional Native music.

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